Kirsten and family are currently in Hawaii and she texted the following:
I did delete my social apps on my phone (as I promised I would do in an earlier Substack)
At first a little weird but now very freeing!
Just fyi- not checking socials at all and totally good with us going dark for a week.
We are so grateful for your continued support of our work here at Team KJ. If you’re a sports parent or perhaps just trying to do better and be better and are enjoying our content, we’d be so grateful if you would like and share our work. Thank you!
As Kirsten said in a previous Substack, “Getting off your device can also be incredibly liberating. Taking a break gives us the opportunity to reconnect first with ourselves and then with our surroundings in a deeper, more meaningful way.”
We hope you take the time this summer to do something that helps connect you with the NOW. Read a book, turn off your phone, walk in nature, eat dinner with family uninterrupted, go for a drive and stare out the window. Let your mind wander to facilitate unconstrained thinking and creativity.
Dr. Nelly and Kirsten discussed limiting Social Media on the most recent #RaisingAthletes podcast
Please send us a message of what resonates with you. What do you and your kids struggle with?
We are excited to announce a new partnership with CorVive Natural Health Supplements. CorVive (pronounced: cor-veev) offers top-notch, natural products designed to boost your health and wellness. From hydration to daily supplements, CorVive has you covered.
All #RaisingAthletes listeners will receive 30% OFF with promo code KIRSTEN (if you pick the one-time purchase option).
We at TEAM KJ have tried it and LOVE it 😁
I have reached out to Eileen to be a guest on #RA podcast but in the meantime, this is a fantastic TedX Talk! She’s a great resource for parenting.