We are so grateful for your continued support of our work here at Team KJ. If you’re a sports parent or perhaps just trying to do better and be better and are enjoying our content, we’d be so grateful if you would like and share our work. Thank you!
Twenty-four years ago, I was newly married, living in Amsterdam and working at NIKE’s European Headquarters as a merchandiser in Kid’s footwear. At 30 years of age, I was just months away from starting a new chapter altogether - motherhood.
To think that we’ve already arrived at the part in the story where I’m watching my third born fly out of the nest, on the one hand feels nearly impossible and on the other, perfect timing. Did we perhaps skip chapters? Did I sleep through their childhoods? Are each of them prepared to “take a swing” on their own, out from under our purview?
My older two, both sons, arrived home for the summer two weeks ago. We are settling back into the now vaguely familiar routine with all five of us under one roof for a few short months. The dishwasher is choking on the extra cycles and the dryer is threatening to go on strike and it’s not even June. Yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I remind myself often, these days are fleeting. We only get eighteen summers with them, so this one is a total “bonus summer”. I use my morning meditation and journaling to keep me grounded and not let the little stuff, become the big stuff. I write to myself some reminders:
Stay present. Enjoy the extras dishes and laundry.
Yes, there will more clutter but there will also be more laughter.
Look how far they’ve grown. Each of them is challenging themselves and that takes guts!
When they enter the room, sit still and listen. If they want to talk, give them the floor, don’t interrupt them. Just be there for them.
When they hug you, let them be the first to let go. Always.
The extra stuff laying about is momentary, the memories of this summer could last a lifetime. Today I overheard a beautiful thing. Parker and CJ upstairs jamming on their guitars, then a moment of silence and then I heard Kylie’s voice chime in. I couldn’t hear what they were saying to one another but I so cherish hearing them interacting, laughing together in a moment where there was for once, no basketball game to race off to, no volleyball practice to hustle out the door to, no test to study for and no pressure in sight. There was just this beautiful snapshot where they were enjoying one of the first moments of summer- together.
I may need to re-read this often. We will get on one another’s nerves for sure at some point, but I’m hoping I can take my own advice and just enjoy the ride, it doesn’t get any better than this.
Kylie graduates high school this Friday. She is ready for college and for the opportunities and challenges that await her. I can’t wait to continue cheering from the sidelines as my role in her life and our relationship evolves from daily caregiver to occasional support staff and cheerleader.
I’m looking forward to writing my next chapter as well. And my goal is to spend significant time this summer marinating on the ideas that are coming up for me and how I want to grow forward.
Thanks for supporting me on my journey. It is such a gift and I so appreciate you being here
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This past week, I had so much fun speaking to 350+ at the KPAX Sports Awards Banquet in my hometown, Missoula Montana. I saw so many people I haven’t connected with in years and was able to spend time hiking in the beautiful mountains and reconnecting with high school friends.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Daily Rituals workshop! There have been so many amazing takeaways each week and we hope everyone is beginning to see the differences in their life.
Are you someone who needs help with reaching your goals? Did you miss my mindset workshops where taught game changing tools to unlock your superpowers???. 🦸♂️🦸♀️ Sign up here for the course replay and to be added to our Summer Facebook accountability group.
Got any questions about the course? Email matt@kirstenjonesinc.com
TY Coach. Yeah for "coast days"! I remember leaving PDX in the 95 degree summer heat and needing a sweatshirt by the time we got to Cannon Beach. Enjoy these moments..
Beautiful Kirsten. And great advice/reminders for us parents who will be there sooner than we think. Enjoy your summer with your awesome kids!